Publication 08/01/2011 - Spring Procurement
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Publication 08/01/2011

1st of August 2011, SUCCEED Magazin

Spring Procurement, a consulting firm for strategic procurement management, has reached the following conclusion in a study carreied out together with the Vienna University of Economics and Business: procurement is becoming more important strategically. 85% of companies believe that procurement will be integrated more strongly in strategic corporate decision making by 2020. According to Georg Haas, managing partner of Spring Procurement, procurement should also be linked more strongly to product development in future: "The profit lies in procurement. The important thing here is the distinction between strategic and non-strategic suppliers."" Klemens Figlhuber, also managing partner, explains: "There is a great potential for reducing costs, which can reach even 25% in the area of IT, of instance." An important role can be attributed to the reduction of 'maverick buying', i.e. procurement without consulting the purchasing department.